10K April: Conquered


On April 1st, I declared a challenge upon myself to take 10,000 steps every day for the next 30 days off the month. Mission Completed.

This challenge brought out a handful of positives upon reaching the finish line:

Accountability: I am a driven person outside of Rep & Reflect. I like coming up with targets then a gameplan and then the fun part: Execution. Every day I woke up from slumber, I already had a target on site. Yes, there were days that I just wanted to chill but I yelled internally NO SIR! YOU WILL HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE AND GET THAT 10K! YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!

And that’s one of the biggest takeaways from this; holding myself accountable to do this every single day speaks volumes about the mental aspect of this game. You can speak whatever you want into existence but staying true to your word is a whole different level.

Lean Machine: Who would have thought WALKING would lead to FAT BURN?? Yeah, Buddy! Getting the body moving is the first step towards burning some extra calories. Of course the faster you go, the more you burn is true in a sense. My legs overall feel good with my mixture of 1-2 mile walks and a couple of jogs around the neighborhood over the last 30 days.

I got some tone around my hamstrings and squad with a little extra strength down low in the calves. Where I felt some improvements during my training around the fields with less crackling of bones and more leg drive sprinting for 50 yards. My oh my.

Mental Clearance: Next time you’re feeling some kind of way, get them shoes out and go on a walk. There were times during the month where I just laced up and with every little step I took was a mental unwinding. I wasn’t even focused on the 10K target; I just walked around with some tunes and an unclogged brain.

Walking for about 15 minutes just made me forget about the stress, objectives, and worries for a while. Letting the music speak and my spirit soars in jubilation to bring myself back to life in a sense. Oh, and walks under the sunset are an absolute VIBE that must be experienced with the right soundtrack.

So what’s next since it’s gonna be May?

Couldn’t Resist…

Honestly, I’m going to add 1,000 more steps into my daily routine. 11K will be my new daily goal and I’m going to start doing 10-20 minute walks not only to keep this body moving but also as a mental check. This number also forces me to go beyond my regular walkthrough which is beneficial for me to stay in good shape cardio wise and once the whistle is blown once again.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll hit this up for encore later on. Until then I got my water challenge still rolling (Day 12 of 28; 125 Oz of water CHUG CHUG CHUG!) and making things happen day by day outside the bunker. It’s a toll but I’m grateful for what I have and what I can do during this time of the unknown. Oh…and the 10 Minute Squat attempt is happening this weekend. Progress Over Everything.

“Never give a sword to a man who can’t dance.” –Confucius

1-on-1 Personal Training available NOW at The Well! 💪🏾

One Comment Add yours

  1. B. Taylor says:

    The drive has been there bro. You have been killing it. I’m definitely supporting as always.


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